Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thank you, Senate Finance Committee!

"Senate Panel Kills Gov't Healthcare Plan"
"Senate Panel rejects Public Health Plan"
"Senate Panel votes down Public Option for health care bill"

I saw the breaking news on msn.com in a teaser line and had to go see for myself. I was so excited, I nearly cheered outloud in my office at work. I could not get enough of reading those headlines!

I'm trying not to get too excited - never know what those liberals have up their sleeves... But at least it's a step in the right direction. Seems they are now going to debate on a second admendment to the bill and maybe combine other versions of the health care bill together.
CNN.com even suggested:

"Reid could implement a legislative option known as reconciliation, which would require only 51 votes to pass a health care bill."

So we MUST keep letting our voices be heard. It's working - they ARE hearing us - the Senate Panel vote is evidence of that. KEEP IT UP!


Steven M Nielson said...

Not that they're hearing us... just that they know they can't steamroll over us directly... they'll try going around us by earmarking special segments onto other bills... it wont be comprehensive healthcare reform, but they will make all the major changes via earmarking... that is why earmarking needs to be made unconstitutional... so we know that bills can be voted up or down based on their merit.

Heather Chandler said...

I know they will try and go around it to get their way - you are right about the earmarks, and it's unfortunate that they use back-door tactics to shoved through what they want.

But even more people (*hopefully*) will be against them trying to sneak it in, rather than going through proper channels.

Like I said, great news - a step in the right direction, but it's not over yet.

Courtney said...

A step in the right direction, finally! We must keep fighting .. especially now that people are praying to Obama ( http://www.breitbart.tv/shock-discovery-community-organizers-pray-to-president-elect-obama/ ). Scary times we live in!

The Born Again American said...

The only thing that scares me is that you rely on CNN for your news... Can you not get Fox? CNN is 1,000% better than MSNBC, but they are still MSM or fringe media as Glenn Beck would call them...

Heather Chandler said...

Born Again American,

Actually, if you will follow all of those links, you will see that the first one comes from Newsmax.com, the second from MSN and the third from CNN. I definitely prefer Fox over the rest and yes, I agree CNN is horribly biased.

I just try to use a variety of sources to link in my post, so I'm not always taking all of my information from Fox or Beck all the time. Plus, it drives liberals crazy to link from CNN/MSN to back up my blogs... makes it harder for them to try and tear my arguments down. ;)

The Born Again American said...

Very good point, I'm going to throw Keith Oberman's name in there and they will follow me to their deaths...

Snarky Basterd said...

Keep a close watch for a backdoor option or co-opts or anything that gets their grubby little claws in the cracks, so they can split it wide open years down the line.

Opus #6 said...

I'm still praying for complete gridlock.

Heather Chandler said...

I think we've helped with that. ;)

Although I heard today, that the Senate Finance Committee ok'd another "public option" on a state-by-state basis, rather than national. Better, but still not good enough...

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

It will be a long time before ObamaCare actually crashes and burns, but in the meantime we must remain constantly vigilant and never let up for one minute.

The Born Again American said...

My twin brother who tag teams my blog with me, came up with a brilliant solution to the health care problem...http://thebornagainamerican.blogspot.com/2009/10/why-didnt-i-think-of-this-sooner-l.html